Online Dating
Human interaction is difficult at the best times but add the dynamic that is modern internet dating now that’s a different story completely. Having...
Online Dating
Human interaction is difficult at the best times but add the dynamic that is modern internet dating now that’s a different story completely. Having run a PC store for over 25 years, I have met a lot...
Recent Articles
Password Manager
LastPass is a password management tool that allows you to store and manage your passwords securely in one place.Go to the LastPass website and sign...
Apple Keychain Guide
Apple Keychain is a password management system built into Mac OS X and is designed to securely store passwords and other sensitive information....
What to do when Outlook won’t open
Sometimes annoyingly you click the outlook icon, and nothing happens. Most of the time it’s a simple process to get your Outlook back up and...
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Windows 7 Support
Windows 7 support will end on January 14, 2020. If you continue to use Windows 7 after the support period has ended, your PC will still continue to...
Updating Mac Operating System
A question we get asked often is, "can I upgrade my device to the latest version?" If you are interested the below shows the list of operating...